Mason Jar Salads

recipes May 05, 2018

I feel like a ROCKSTAR when I start the week off with these babies in the fridge for easy pack and grab lunches! They transport easy and are fast to put together!

I used the wide mouth 20 ounce mason jars for easy pouring.

Asian Mason Jar Salad (makes 4 servings):
2 Large chicken breasts cooked and diced-or grab a rotisserie chicken
1 Large Red Pepper diced
6-8 Green Onions diced
1 cup of Diced Snap Peas
1 16oz. bag of Coleslaw mix (broccoli slaw or Rainbow salad works)
3/4 cup chopped Cashews
Your favorite Asian dressing -I like a Thai peanut one with this as well

Cut and Prep all of the above.

I set up an assembly line of mason jars and add each ingredient in.

2 tablespoons dressing
Red Pepper divided into 4
Snap Peas divided into 4
Green Onions divided into 4
Coleslaw mix divided into 4
Cubed Chicken divided into 4
Cashew Divided into 4


Close them all up and store in the fridge for 4-5 days.

When ready to eat, pour out salad on a plate and you are ready to dive in.

There are countless varieties to make these with. I found sticking to the harder veggies and cabbage green mixes they will last a lot longer before going "weird".


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