Lunch in under 2 minutes!

recipes Mar 17, 2016

One of my favorite authors and speakers Jen Hatmaker posted this as her go to lunch. 
I have to be honest when I first read the ingredients I thought it sounded on the nasty side.  But like any devoted fan I decided to give it a whirl.  Man, I am glad I did because I LOVE THIS and eat it for lunch all the time!
I don’t have a fancy name for the title and am not feeling spunky to give it one, so we will call this-
LUNCH-just try it!
This serves one and literally takes me less than two minutes to make!
½ Avocado or 50 grams
½ cup cottage cheese  *(I use full fat-live a little)
10 grams of cashews (or any nut, besides your husband or teen)
4 cherry tomatoes
1 tbsp. of balsamic glaze *(you can buy this or make it)
Layer these up in the order they are listed and DIG IN!
If you measure in grams this comes up at 300 calories.  Because of the fat level this keeps me pretty satisfied!  Be careful though, avocado and nuts can add calories pretty quick!
*If you are feeling your inner Martha Stewart you can make the balsamic glaze.  Just take 1 or 2 cups of balsamic vinegar with a teaspoon of sugar and simmer it on the stove until it reduces in half.  Took me about 10 minutes.  Store it in the fridge.
*I personally don’t use fat free dairy products.  I would much rather have ½ cup of the real stuff that tastes good instead of 1 ½ cups of the fat free wishing it tasted better!
Hope you enjoy!


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