It gave me what I had been missing..CONSISTENCY!

transformation stories Feb 11, 2016

Meet Christen:

As a teenager I never flipped through fashion magazines, wishing I was model-thin. Instead I admired girls who were runners and athletes. I was more impressed with a person who had muscle and tone instead of someone who was just thin. I wanted to be just like the athletes – someone who was strong and capable, not just skinny. But I never knew how.
Diagnosed with asthma at the age of 12, I shied away from exercise as a kid and used my beleaguered breathing as an excuse. I played tennis in high school because it was a sport I could do that involved the least amount of movement. Needless to say, I wasn’t so good at it, often relegated to the third string of doubles players, if I played at all. I remember dreading the Presidential Fitness Test in school because I was terrified of the timed, one-mile run. I often asked my mom to write me a note to get out of it, blaming it on my asthma.

I struggled with my weight throughout college and into adulthood. I felt well versed in what I should be doing in terms of diet and exercise, and had many successful attempts at weight loss, but most attempts only involved reducing calories, and never exercise. Slowly the weight would creep back on.

After having gained back weight from yet another failed attempt at keeping the pounds off, I contacted the Tall Trainer staff. I was close to the highest weight I’d ever been in my life, and I felt like I was up against a wall. I had been trying to exercise and watch my calorie intake on my own, but it just wasn’t sticking. I thought I’d give Tall Trainer a try for a month – what did I have to lose?

Apparently I had a lot to lose – 26 pounds! Attending Boot Camp sessions gave me what I had been missing all my life – consistency. By attending class each and every day, and rarely missing a session, I started doing things I never thought I’d be able to do – lifting weights with great form, squatting like a champ, and riding an exercise bike “like I stole it.” And remember that kid who used to beg her mom to save her from the one-mile run in school? Today I’m willingly signing up for 5K runs, and I work on beating my personal best run time every week. Tall Trainer has changed my life – my blood pressure is lower, I’m losing body fat and gaining muscle, and my breathing has never been better.

And my mom today? She thinks I’m awesome.

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