Is the enemy Carbs or Fat?

Is the enemy CARBS or FAT?


This debate has been going on for decades and you may already have decided what you think.  I thought as a personal trainer I should weigh in with my opinion and what has lead me to that conclusion. 


Fat has been an enemy for a long time.  March 1984 Time magazine railed on bacon and eggs.  The beginning of low fat and low cholesterol products.  Since that time I’m not sure we’ve gotten any healthier in spite of amazing breakthroughs in health care. 


My Vote is CARBS are the enemy…but not all carbs.  I think processed carbs are particularly nasty.  (though I still eat some).  I had better mention that fruit and vegetables are made of predominantly of carbohydrates but their fiber and nutrients radically change their effects on the body.  They are A-ok.  (though I still think apples make me too hungry to eat by themselves).


How I have been persuaded to be on the Fat side:


#1.)  Fat is filling.  If you get enough fat in, you are very satisfied for hours afterwards. Carbs (like low fat anything) breads, cereals, chips, cookies will make you hungry sooner so you can eat more. 


#2.)  If you have more fat on your body you’ll have more fat in your blood.  From much of the research I’ve seen losing weight effects blood chemistry more than Carbohydrate or Fat intake. 


#3.)  “Fat head” documentary movie makes some good points. 


#4.)  Fat stabilizes blood sugar more.  Carbohydrates (esp. processed) make blood sugar more volatile. Leading to more diabetes and easier overeating.  I even see when people have a meal that is low fat they tend to overeat on their next meal and wreck their calories for the day!


#5.)  More Vegetables seems to be a winning strategy along with some good protein levels.  As % of dietary protein increases overall calorie consumption decreases.  So carbs and fat go down when protein is higher. 


#6.)  Compared to a study in 1971 we are eating a higher percentage of calories from carbohydrates and both fat and protein are now lower percentages.  I’ve seen these results over and over again.  We are mostly eating too much sugar!


#7.)  I love Chicken Wings and Bacon!  Both are low sugar and low carbs!  (not that I eat them constantly or even weekly)


#8.)  Carbohydrates are a valuable and NEEDED nutrient.  I’m not a fan of crazy low carb.  I do think more of our carbs should be coming from fruit and vegetables.  ***Endurance athletes and manual laborers will need more carbs than the rest of us.***


#9.)  When you look at other cultures they many times have “richer” food than us Americans.  The fat content is higher and the food is amazing.  I think of the French particularly on this.  Yet they are still much leaner than Americans (though as they adopt more of our habits they are catching up)


#10.)  The proof is in the FULL FAT PUDDING - I personally have a very high fat diet and I don’t have to work very hard to maintain my body weight. 


#11.)  Days when I eat lower fat I am non-stop hungry and could easily imagine being overweight if I kept that up!


#12.)  There is a reason why the paleo diet and adkins diets got so popular, both low carbohydrate diets.  People did see fast results (just don’t cut that far).  You can be more moderate and still get great results and consistent energy. 


#13.)  I still don’t think you should add FAT like a maniac to your food.  However, it should be present at every meal.  I think Fat gets out of hand when it fills you up to the point you aren’t eating enough veggies or protein.   I still think protein grams need to be nearly double your fat grams. 


When in doubt keep a food journal and weigh yourself regularly.  If you need a hand with this join us for a month and together we can try to find your sweet (or unsweet) spot.  I hope this is helpful, if you need me to clarify something please comment or send me a message. 

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