I no longer recognized myself!

transformation stories Oct 09, 2016

I just want say Thank you to you and all the staff at Tall Trainer for
all the support and encouragement. You are all so amazing.
Before starting Tall Trainer, I was very depressed and unhappy with myself.
I was the heaviest weight of my life and very out of shape. I no longer even recognized myself in the mirror.
As a nurse working nights my sleeping and eating habits were terrible. I was always tired and had no energy. I skipped meals and lacked proper nutrition. 
I finally had enough of feeling so terrible and was ready to make some changes in my life. I saw the Tall Trainer sign on day while driving down Route 332 and I researched their website. I saw all the great results and knew it was worth giving a try.
I needed to find a program that was motivating and would keep me interested. I definitely found all that at Tall Trainer. Everyone is so encouraging and supportive. My experience at Tall Trainer has been life changing. I never thought I would be able to feel happy again with myself. I'm stronger and have so much more energy. I no longer want to sleep my days off away. I have lost 30lbs since starting Tall Trainer in March.

I look forward to continuing my weight loss journey at Tall Trainer. I feel so blessed to be a part of something so amazing.


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