I no longer hide behind my clothes

transformation stories Jan 01, 2016

My name is Stacie Rogers and I started Tall Trainer in January 2015.
Before that I felt like I was a hamster spinning around in an exercise wheel but not going anywhere or seeing any progress. I exercised at home sporadically to punish myself for what I had eaten or exercise so I could eat whatever I wanted. That led to me being overweight, frustrated and having low self-esteem that directly affected my role as a mom and wife.

What inspired me to change was realizing if I took an amazing opportunity at Tall Trainer and worked on me, it would transform my life and make me a better wife, mother and friend!
The compassion the trainers had and non-judgmental way they equipped me with my exercise and nutrition totally changed me from the inside out! I no longer hide behind my clothes or sit on the sidelines watching my kids play. I live in the present and am not hiding in the shadows of life!
As of this morning I've lost 23 lbs., 6+ inches from my waste and have never been so fit or healthy before! We don't use the word diet in our house but make healthy choices we can sustain in the long run as a family!

My favorite ability came out of not loving push-ups.... Like at all! So I decided to make push ups as one of my monthly goals for quite a few months and did 36 real ones in a minute on our last fitness test!

I'll always feel indebted for Tall Trainer equipping me and encouraging me to success! I literally couldn't have done it without you guys!

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