I'm Smiling With My Eyes!

mindset Nov 25, 2020

We’re smiling with our eyes, can’t you tell. Super hard with a face-mask right! Trying to smile extra with your eyes is a new 2020 skill we are trying to master.

This season of life is challenging right now for sure. Last week Anna had a moment where she finally broke down. She has been a champ about this all but she broke! She finally could put into words what she was feeling. She confided that school is really hard because she doesn’t know if anyone likes her, if they think she is funny or fun to be around. She said “Mom, all I see is their eyes and I can’t tell if they smile at me or not. It’s hard to be in a room all day like that!” I can she her confidence start to struggle.

My heart went into a puddle for her. It was also one of those DANG IT, DANG, DANG IT moments for me. The moment you see your child struggle with the same thing you have struggled with for as long as you can remember and how badly I don’t want my child to feel that too!

We had a long talk with tears and hugs. I shared with her my same struggles with that. That our default thoughts can assume that people don’t like you but we also don’t walk around telling people “I like you” on a regular basis so it’s hard to know. When you walk into a room there is no reason to believe that you aren’t amazing. That in general most people will like you. Everyone doesn’t need to like you and that is OK- you still have permission to be YOU!

I believe MOST people walk into a room and don’t feel comfortable. MYSELF AS CAPTAIN OF THAT CLUB! Thoughts can quickly drift to “do they like me, will I say something dumb, am I dressed appropriately, do I fit in.............??” When all those doubts and insecurities creep in, we don’t act like our authentic self. The world doesn’t get to see the pure form of awesomeness that we ALL are. We end up like chameleons trying to adapt to what we perceive the crowd wants. And GUESS WHAT, almost EVERY person in the room is doing that SAME THING. This is an EXHAUSTING and SAD way to go through life!

We ended our conversation with a challenge for us to do and I want to challenge you all to do the same. Right now, in this season of life this is a game changing challenge! EVERY TIME YOU walk into a room just assume people like YOU! That’s it. Do that :)  Easier said than done I know! You won’t be good at it at first, you might be totally terrible at it. Keep trying, it may take a lot of practicing and it will be WORTH IT. Right now, the world needs to see the good inside of us and not us hiding and losing confidence. When we start to do that, it also gives permission to those around you to do the same thing. A room can totally change and authentic living really begins.

Will you take the challenge???

Bonus Challenge~ what if every once and a while you told someone “I see you, I like you”. Imagine what that could do, what if someone said that to you......

I love the quote “In a world where you can be anything remember to BE KIND!” - and that means be kind to YOURSELF too!

Keep trying to smile with your eyes. Keep trying to be the amazing person you were made to be!

AND Let’s remember how powerful a smile is when this face-mask season is over- It can change the world!

Also, I just want to say how thankful we are for YOU! We are surrounded by a beautiful community of people and we haven’t had a day go by this year that we haven’t counted our blessings. We want to love and serve you well and keep praying we find ways to do that. Much love to you all!
Live classes are still happening in the cleanest studio around!  We start our next session MONDAY NOVEMBER 30th.  Contact [email protected] or (585)-260-4235 for more information.  
Not in a place for LIVE classes we do have an awesome online exercise program called REFUSE AVERAGE that is jam packed with resources.  Contact [email protected] for more details.  


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