I had a case of "I can't"

mindset Apr 06, 2019

THERE IS NO I CAN’T” is in huge vinyl letters on our studio wall. This is one of the first things Jeremy challenged me on when we met. I have taken that statement to heart. Realizing HOW powerful belief in yourself is. To NOT put limits on possibilities. To go for the hard instead of hiding behind “I can’t”. 

Over the 10 years we have been together I have rid a lot of the “I can’t” in my life. But recently, with this new baby on the way (any day now) I’m sad to say the “I can’t” has slipped back in :( I didn’t even realize it, and it has stolen some of my joy during this pregnancy. When I saw it on the wall at the studio the other day I truly looked at it and was convicted of how many “I cant's” I have put on myself with this baby’s arrival. 
FIRST,  Please know how extremely blessed I know I am to be able to carry this child and be a mother.  I was told as a teen I would not be able to carry a child.  And still even in that, I am human and had moments of "I can't".   I mean no offense to anyone who would give anything to have  those "I can't" moments to become a mother.   My heart and prayers go out to you if you are in that place!!
I can’t go to boot camp for 6 weeks after she is born. I can’t just work out whenever I want. I can’t just jump into my car and run an errand without a car seat and diaper bag. I can’t be as involved in Tall Trainer for a season, I can’t just sleep when I want to. I can’t wear hardly any of my clothes right now, I can’t sneeze without peeing my pants, I can’t see my toes, I can’t sleep on my belly. I can’t I can’t I can’t.... negative...negative... defeating thoughts that STEEL JOY.
Y’all when I saw that and challenged that thinking my WHOLE body has changed from a state of OVERWHELM to PEACE. When I started looking at all the positives this baby will bring instead of the things it will change I finally took a deep breath. (well as deep as this watermelon in my stomach will let me)
So today I want to challenge YOU to take a moment to reflect. Is there something in your life you have an “I can’t” attitude about?Can you flip it and look at the CAN’s you DO HAVE in your life? 
This world is hard and challenging and we NEED to surround ourselves with things that keep us on the UP and UP and not stuck in the “I can’t”. Think of positive people in your life and hang around them more, pray, read books, listen to pod casts, get in nature and breath fresh air, take the time to journal and reflect, go to church, get a counselor...challenge your inner critic!!
Let’s flip the switch.  Let’s show OURSELVES the world, our kids, family, friends, crank faces, doubters and community what we CAN do! 

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