I finally DID IT!


I finally did it!

I grew a beard!  (no shave November for prostate cancer)
Ok, yes I grew a beard but that's not the big deal...

I wrote a book!!!

This is definitely harder than growing the beard!  It’s been at minimum a 10-year process that started when I first started Tall Trainer Fitness in 2006.  In this book I have condensed the best and most useful lessons that give our clients the consistently incredible results that we are known for…
Like these three recent examples:
What's in the book?
  • 31 lessons that take 5 - 10 minutes to read
  • Bonus materials to help you get results and make progress
  • Our personal fitness stories (different than you might think)
  • Quick Start Guide to get moving NOW!
Why I wrote this book:
I have been getting frustrated for awhile now…
(or maybe most of my career)
I’ve been frustrated that I don’t have time to sit down 1 on1 with the hundreds (truly thousands) of people who need this information.  Seeing people all around me struggling with their health and fitness level but not being able to reach them or have the time to help kept a fire burning in my heart.  Also, seeing our collective personal crisis in exercise and nutrition is causing a National Crisis in our Health Care System…which because of low inspiration and poor information has more sick people than healthy people.  I had to do something more to help:
  • I know some people are fairly satisfied with their exercise routine but they need a boost because it’s not working like it’s supposed to.
  • Others are too scared to get started and need some inspiration and easy wins. 
  • And still others see the $100/hour cost for a 1 on1 session as too much to spend on themselves. 
How could I package what usually takes months of training to communicate in a short, unintimidating package that would cost so little that price no longer became an issue?
Fitness in Real Life: 31 Uncommonly Practical lessons to make real progress in weight loss and health because real life is messy!”
Why did I choose this title and that picture for the front? 
In my short 13 year career as a personal trainer working with people of all ages.  Most of them double my age.  I have learned personally and through my clients that Real Life is Messy!  If you pick up a typical magazine or even diet book they over simplify things to the point of making the reader feel like an idiot for struggling with their weight and health in the first place.  I chose the picture from our family photos because it came out “too perfect”.  If you look at the picture you see a perfect little family.  You can just imagine the “leave it to beaver” type life they have.  Then you read the back and realize that behind the great public showing that we all have struggles and challenges.  Some big and some small, but life doesn’t let you through without a struggle in some area. 
We’re human, Our clients are human, and You’re human too…
** If you have read this far in this description you are interested enough that I would feel I have failed you if I couldn’t convince you to buy this book for the REAL help it can give you.  So here is my best shot at helping you do a little something good for yourself. 

Thank you for taking the time to read this message and celebrate with me.  I hope you have much success in fitness, weight loss, and health in your REAL LIFE! 

Your Trainer,
Jeremy "tall trainer" Biernat

P.S.  What do you think of the beard?

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