I Don't Feel Like It...

mindset Apr 12, 2022


Feelings- Emotions -what the heck is going on with me??

Quick Definitions:

*Your brains best guesses guided by your past experience.

*The conscious experience of emotional reactions.

*An emotional state or reaction.

*Belief, especially  vague or irrational.

The power of feelings has definitely taken an up trend in the last few decades.  They surely needed too.  Feelings are not meant to be stuffed or ignored – because THEY WILL surface in some way and it is often destructive.

I also want to take note to not give them too much power.  Feelings DO NOT equal truth.  They are indicators of something you need to explore.  Feelings are guesses at best.  Sometimes our guesses are right on, but sometimes they are horribly wrong. 

When I let my feelings take too much control in my life – I start to drift into a dark place

If I stopped and imagined what my day would look like if I let my feelings decide ......

It would go a little like this...

My snooze button would be hit 10x or the alarm just shut off until the last possible minute.  I would wake up rushed and cranky and bark at the girls to hurry and get ready for school.  We would stuff our face with some sugary breakfast and rush out the door.  I would let my house go to an utter pig sty (turns out I NEVER feel like cleaning).  I would eat mostly processed high fat, high carb foods.  Drink hardly any water and way too much coffee -I always feel like coffee. Watch TV or scroll most of the day.  I would crank at Jeremy because he would bug me because internally I would be bugging myself.   I would not exercise - I also rarely feel like doing that too.  My relationship with my kids would be distant because I would not really be present in my life.  I would probably have little to no social interaction because I would be embarrassed or critical of others and I would assume most people did not like me.  I would go to bed super late with ice cream stains and cookie crumbs on my bed sheets.... Hit Repeat each day of the week....

Yikes -I am a hot mess.   Maybe 1 other person can relate??

In my journey to be healthy(mentally, physically and emotionally) I keep stumbling along to live my best life. In that I have learned my feelings are lying little buggers more often than not.

I allow myself to hear my feelings and then let them pass through me.  I don't ignore them or shame myself for thinking them. They are just what they are. Some pass quickly and some take some digging in trying to find what they mean. 

I have also realized I need to DECIDE some things and let that be my truth.  Those things that I have DECIDED don’t let feelings pull me away.

Here are a few of my DECIDES in case you care or want some ideas to help you :)


I DECIDED I am someone who eats nourishing foods.  I want to live long for my girls and I want to live those years well.  There is enough science to back that eating a ton of veggies and drinking enough water helps you to live well. 


I DECIDED I am someone who exercises.  Even on days I am tired and don’t “feel” like it. The truth is I am a better person when exercise is a consistent thing in my life.

I DECIDED I am someone who is consistent.  Jeremy often says this is my superpower.  Consistency is my game- not perfections.  So yes, sometimes I skip a workout and eat total garbage.  But that is not my overall trend.

I DECIDED I am someone who loves others.  Truth be told I am totally selfish.  Far to often first thoughts are “how does this affect me” so I decide to think of others and their perspective. 

I DECIDED I have an abundance mindset.   I often fear there is not enough...money, time, love, resources, etc.  I get stuck in fear and paralyzed by this.  So, I have decided there is more than enough of all of these things in the world. 

I DECIDED I am not a dictator.  My go to response in life is to try to dictate myself into being better.  The longer I have lived I know that only works for a short time and then I rebel super hard.  So even in my DECIDES – I sometimes go off plan because-well life throws us surprises and we need to be flexible. 

I DECIDED I NEED accountability in my life.  This does not make me weak.  This makes me a human being living in a hard, beautiful mess of a world.  Left to my own devices I do not drift into greatness.

I DECIDED a morning routine is a must.  Waking up a little earlier to have time to pray, journal read and organize my day makes everything better. 

I DECIDED I am someone who needs Jesus.  I need him, just plain and simple.  Sometimes I am mad or angry and confused by it all -but I decided knowing Jesus and trying to live my life by the bible is brings me great peace, comfort and purpose.    

I could go on and one but this is getting long so I will stop.

Please know I am NOT even close to perfect hitting any of these.  But having these defined things helps me get a lot closer to living a better life!

I encourage you all to explore your feelings and see what ones are not giving you the life you dream of living.  Then connect some DECIDES to those feelings and let them speak growth into your life.


Many blessings~


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