How do I Target Trouble Spots....


How To Target Trouble Spots...

We all have them. The spots we try to carefully drape clothes around. If it’s the tops of the thighs we wear longer shorts. If it’s back of the arm we make sure our shirts have some sleeve to cover them. If it’s belly we never show it and wear loose and draping clothing at the middle. If it’s butt we wear long tops that hang over the hips.

One thing is certain; as the weather gets warmer it gets tougher to hide these sinister areas. What if you didn’t have to stress so much about how to cover these spots because they look better than they ever have before? I hope to point you in the right direction with these short but powerful tips.

How to eliminate the “trouble” spots:

• Total Body Exercises• Spot Toning
• Weight Loss

I’ll start with weight loss because it’s the most obvious. If you lose weight the majority comes from fat storage. Fat is stored at all these “trouble” locations. When losing weight you will lose fat at these areas but it will seem like you are losing it from everywhere else first. This is because there are larger fat deposits in these locations. They get smaller but they still aren’t your favorite spot yet. They will be the last places you have fat stored so it does take a lot of work to get them magazine ready. On that note: Please keep in mind that the magazine photos are photo shopped, lighted, posed, and those people are at their peak (they don’t normally look like that). Don’t aim for too unrealistic goals of looking like no human has ever looked in real life.

Total Body Exercise is the key to incredible fitness. The only way to look “in shape” is to be “in shape”. This is what our boot camp program is based on. Your exercises need to go beyond running or spinning or other versions of steady cardio. They need intervals and strength training that constantly works the body from different angles. Not even the same resistance training program will do long term. It should hit every major muscle group and get you moving stronger, faster, and with better quality. Getting warm/hot in the workout, sweating, breathing hard, and feeling the muscles do that “burn” thing are all needed to make the most progress. CAUTION: do this wrong and you’ll have an injury. Expert guidance is wise when you are new at this type of exercise. See workout or contact us.

Spot Toning is next. You cannot spot reduce you’ve probably heard that time and time again. It’s a favorite rant of trainers. I even love that rant from time to time. Reduction comes from weight loss and total body exercises; however there is an element of toning you can get at an area. I call this the “Ice Cream Scooper Effect”. One of the best examples I ever saw was a client of mine had a son who worked at an ice cream shop and they ALWAYS scooped the hard frozen ice cream with the same hand. At the end of the summer there was a significant visible difference in his arms! So there is still a time and place for exercises that “burn” at the trouble zone. I have also found motivation stays high when people feel muscle work by way of soreness in these areas.

The 4th point that I find is more important than the other 3 is consistency and motivation. Find a motivating environment and join in. People who join our fitness environment get fitter than they ever have before and stay fit because they keep at it. It’s worth the investment since we only have one life here. Consider joining our group or find a group where people are consistently winning. (Ours is the best of courseand we have a 100% money back guarantee so we can prove it to you!)

About the Author:

Jeremy “the tall trainer” Biernat is a Certified Personal Trainer, Certified Strength Coach, has his Bachelors in Exercise Science, and enjoys writing, speaking, and inspiring people online and in person. More importantly he is a husband, father, and follower of God. His practice is in upstate NY (Canandaigua) where he works with people in one on one and group sessions to make awesome changes in their lives. He is not perfect, cries in movies, and would love to hear from you.You can contact Jeremy by visiting, or calling 1(800)380-7047. God Bless!


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