Heck..I'll try it for a month!

transformation stories Apr 06, 2016

BEFORE Tall Trainer:
I thought my fitness level was really good.   Before Tall Trainer, I would work out at least 3-4 days a week.  Mainly cardio workouts with some ab tapes and Pilate tape workouts.  I had also started doing some yoga at a local studio.  My cardio was mainly running on my treadmill and walking during my daughter’s soccer practices and games.  I thought I was pretty fit but now I know that I really wasn’t.  My other false sense was the amount of calories I thought I was burning versus what I was really burning.  My treadmill told me 500 calories, yes but that was for an average person that is programmed into the treadmill…I am not an average person and burn much less due to my size.  I was amazed to find all of this out.

I also thought my nutrition level was really good but Tall Trainer has educated me that what I thought was good was really hurting my workouts due to all of the sugar, carbs, red meat, etc…  I really didn’t eat a lot but what I was eating and the portions I was eating, wasn’t the proper foods or the proper portions.  You don’t think about all of the preservatives that are added to “boxed, canned and frozen foods” and what they are doing to your body.  These foods are convenient and make dinner prep easy but they are not healthy.  Also, it is amazing what you learn about “fat free” and “sugar free” foods and how with this labeling you eat more of these foods when they really aren’t better for you.  Nutritional education is amazing and everyone needs to become more educated on the proper foods to eat and the proper portions of the foods to eat!  Most people do not realize what the true serving size is or should be and I was one of them. 

The Start of Tall Trainer:

I had attended the free Boot Camps in the Park for a few years (loving the variety) and had always wanted to join a class but always had an excuse…work, money, etc.    Then my friend Deb invited me to one of the “bring a friend” workout on a Saturday at the Tall Trainer site and I attended…loved it again…and Deb & Lori Stein talked me in to just putting my name on the 7:45 am  (10 pack) class list for July 14 (the free class I did with Deb was in June 14).  I figured I’d never be able to work it in but put my name on anyways.  Lori contacted me at the end of June for the class and I almost didn’t do it but said what the heck…try it for one month and see what happens.  Well, the rest is history, fell in love with the class, and made it fit into my work/life schedule.  Completed my first year with the 10 pack but had started purchasing 1-on-1’s because I would run out of classes and wanted more, even though I continued to do my own work outs on my off days at home.  In July 2015 (start of my second year) I decided to try an everyday class earlier in the am.  Kids were out of school, would help with my work schedule and what the heck let’s try it…well, I love coming every day and I like the earlier workout…so now I am figuring out how I can stay in this class!

My other inspiration was that I had to purchase extenders for the waistline of my dress pants … which was not an option for me so I needed to change what I was currently doing because it wasn’t working… (Meaning the workouts I was doing on my own and how I was thinking I was eating healthy but my waistline was continuing to grow)!!

My results have been awesome…I have lost approximately 20 lbs. and 10% body fat.  My waistline has decreased by 5+ inches, which is just amazing to me!  My blood pressure has gone from 160/90 to 110/70 (without using medicine…all from change in diet and exercise) and I have come off 2 medicines that I had been on for years.  I feel awesome and have so much more energy. 
One of my favorite results is in my thighs.  With being short, I always had “thunder” thighs…well not any longer!  My thighs are at least ½ if not less what they were when I started…which is amazing to me.

Some of my favorite new abilities…would be lifting/utilizing the weight training.  I was always a cardio person but now that I know the benefits of lifting weights and know how to do it properly, I really enjoy lifting and pushing myself to the next amount of weights.  Lifting weights is something I never thought of doing especially squats with 70 lbs.…After 3 knee surgeries and the onset of arthritis (calcification) in that knee, I never would have thought that with proper education, positioning and posture, that I would be able to squat 70 lbs. and make my knee as strong as it has become!

I ran my 1st 5k a couple of weeks ago and was amazed at the stamina and strength that I had to finish where I did and in the time that I did.  This is all due to the boot camp training and the way I have changed my nutrition.
I have also started biking, which I love.  I never would have thought I could do the distance (15 – 20 miles) that I do nor be able to conquer the hills that I have.  
Working out and good nutrition has become a passion to me that I enjoy and cannot get enough of.  I love learning new exercises and the way they improve & benefit my body/health along with learning new nutritional facts and how they work with your body and your workouts.  I love to learn about the proper foods to eat to fuel your body and help you perform and keep yourself strong and healthy.

Tall Trainer has made a huge impact on my life, all in a positive way.  Tall Trainer has really made me take a look at my life and make positive changes that have helped me have a better work/life balance, take time for myself, challenge myself, given me confidence, willpower, a new found passion, amazing friendships and a new family.  My Tall Trainer Family!

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