Halloween Candy Rules

(how many calories and how hard is it to burn that stuff off anyway?)

VIEW on FOX Rochester

My mom agreed to go on the News with me last week and ride an exercise bike to burn off the Calories in the piece of candy I'm holding.  Yeah that's my mom!  I'm 36 and I'm not the oldest kid.  She is a great spokes person for our program AND Exercise / Nutrition in general!

4 Helpful Candy Rules:

1 - Don't buy it until the day before (if you already have...Danger!)
2 - Buy Candy you don't like
3 - Don't open the BIG bag - once you do you'll be more tempted
4 - Make a kids day - at the end of trick or treating dump all your candy in the last kids bag and turn out the light.  That kid will remember it forever!!!  (and you won't start your holiday weight gain early)

At anywhere from 20-120 Calories for a "fun sized" candy you could easily bring in an extra 500 calories per day in a couple bites.  Plus the high sugar content makes you more hungry in general!

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