Green Coconut Recovery Smoothie

recipes Oct 27, 2016

I have been in search of the perfect post workout drink for years and I think I have found my favorite. 
2 large handfuls of baby spinach or baby kale*
1 cup of coconut water (not refrigerated, see picture for the one I use)
1 cup of coconut milk (not from a can but the one that IS refrigerated)
½-1 banana (depending on how sweet you like it)
1 tbsp. almond or cashew butter
Throw all into your blender and enjoy!   I drink this ALL but you could save half for the next day.
*I like to rotate my greens between the kale and spinach to mix up the nutrients that each offers.  Kale has more of a bitter taste, so if you are new to putting greens in your smoothie stick with the baby spinach.  (Yes, I want to punch myself for saying I “rotate my greens”.  I used to rotate my Ben and Jerry’s...what has this world come too)
Coconut Water is my new obsession…here are some great benefits from it and why I love it post workout!
*The ingredients in coconut water are way more effective at hydrating the human body than those of sports and energy drinks.
*Coconut water serves as an excellent replacement medium with 294 mg of potassium and 5 mg of natural sugar per glass, unlike your favorite sports drink that only contains half of the potassium content and five times the amount of processed sugar.
Coconut water contains five essential electrolytes that are present in the human body. These include: calcium, magnesium, phosphorous, potassium and sodium!

..just in case you wanted to know:)

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