Grape Salsa

recipes Jan 04, 2018

Christine shared this recipe with me that she has had for years!  This is so light and refreshing.  We added this on top of chicken, but it would add amazing flavor on top of steak or pork.  The left overs I ate as a snack with a few of the pumpkin tortilla chips.  

It's a great way to add/sneak in some for fresh fruit and vegetables!
Grape Salsa:
1 cup seedless green grapes (quartered)
1 cup seedless red grapes (quartered)
1 cup cucumber diced
2 tbsp. Lime juice (or lemon would work)
2 tbsp. fresh cilantro
1 tbsp. finely sliced jalapeno (optional)
salt to taste.
Combine and mix all together.  Chill 1 hour stirring occasionally before serving.
**I only halved my grapes.  I did about 6 quartered and thought "I don't have time for this" :). It still tasted great!!**

I hope you enjoy! 

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