Falling off the Healthy Bandwagon

Uncategorized Nov 20, 2019


Sometimes I am consistent with my kale smoothies as a snack, chicken and spinach salads for dinner and eggs with veggies for breakfast. I feel like I am on top of my snacking and cravings and channeled into my inner Jane Fonda (without the high waist leotard)!


Other times, I have a bad day and my self-control is minimal in the snacking department. I am able to turn it around the next day and make better choices for my health and feel confident in my nutritional choices. 


Then there is the other scenario that loops around occasionally. My healthy bandwagon is chugging along until it comes to a steep hill just as my brakes fail.   I hit a construction bump and my healthy bandwagon bursts into flames on the side of the road. I have seriously been derailed and it is bad. Bad for a good long while.


You may be chucking at that visual, but some of you are nodding your head, as you've just polished off a bag of chips or a quart of ice cream. You guys- consistency is HARD. Even if you have been in our program for a while, crazy life things happen that totally derail your good intentions. Sickness, medication side effects, stress at work and the never ending to do lists. Other people's schedules that you have to chauffeur and coordinate add to the craziness! Being a caregiver, when you never thought you'd be put in that position at this stage of your life, adds to the chaos. Have I mentioned that the holidays are coming up and the stress of all that?? The drive thru has become the answer to "What's for dinner tonight?" and you feel like your healthy bandwagon has gone up in flames and you're too far derailed to turn it around. 


Let me speak some truth to you, and to me, quite frankly. IT IS NEVER TOO LATE! You have not let yourself go too far. Stop abruptly, look up and push your life breaks hard!   Today is the day that you can turn this hot mess bandwagon around. Create a healthy meal plan for this week, write a shopping list, go to the store and you cut those fruits and veggies! And for heaven’s sake don't put them in the crisper! That's where your fruits and veggies go to grow hair between the time you put them in and when you open the drawer again.


Don't wait till your New Year's resolution to change the course your health is taking. TODAY IS YOUR DAY! It's not too late and you haven't let yourself go too far.



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