Don’t live everyday like it’s your last…

mindset Sep 24, 2019


Live like you are going to live to 100. 


Be smart with your body

Be smart with your nutrition

Be smart with your finances

Be smart in your relationships


If today was my last day on earth, I wouldn’t exercise, I wouldn’t eat any vegetables and I would spend a little more money than is reasonable to do every day.  And while I truly love my job, I would skip work on my last day to spend extra time with family. 


I think we need to live everyday like it could be our last in our personal relationships but not in all areas. 


Move like you want to be independent at 90. 

Eat like you want to have energy in your 70’s. 

Save money like you are going to live to 100. 

And tell people what they mean to you as if you will never see them again. 

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