Dairy Free Egg Nog

recipes Dec 05, 2017

I grew up having the original raw egg and all eggnog every year at my "Nana's" house.  She always made it Christmas Eve after a lasagna dinner.  It defiantly left my stomach in agony! But, I love it so much I would still drink it year after year.  Now I crave a glass just as a memory of my childhood Christmas' with my grandparents.

I found a dairy free recipe that tastes like the original without the agony.  This is still a treat but a better option and less sugar.
Dairy Free Eggnog (serves 2)
1 cup almond milk
1/2 cup raw cashews (soaked in water overnight and drained)
1.5 TBSP maple syrup
Pinch of Cinnamon
Pinch of Nutmeg (freshly grated is the best)
Drop of pure vanilla extract
Combine all the ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth.
Chill or serve over ice.
Grab a fancy glass, sit down, a sip the memories :)
I hope you enjoy! 

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