Creamy Veggie Fun-gry Buster

Uncategorized Jul 25, 2013

Creamy Veggie Fun-gry Buster


I get the "fun-gries" all the time. That is my term for funky-hungry. I feel hungry but I know I really shouldn't be. This is usually because (even though I know better) I haven't had enough protein or fat and have gone on a little carb freenzy. This snack is SO yummy and keeps the fun-gries away:) ~Sarah


Serves 1

 1/2 cup chopped cucumber

5 cherry tomatoes

1/4 cup chopped avacoado

1/2 cup 4% milk cottage cheese

Black pepper to taste


 191 calories Carb=12g Prot=14g Fat=9.4g


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