Creamy Chicken with Brussel Sprouts

Uncategorized Nov 14, 2016

Creamy Chicken with Brussel Sprouts

This is a great fall dish and really quick to prepare. Make enough for left overs to take for lunch. This tastes really good cold too! You can add a sweet potato if you have been really active that day.


16 oz. cooked shredded chicken
1 1/2 C brussel sprouts
1 1/2 C baby bella mushrooms (I don’t like mushrooms so I doubled the brussel sprouts)
3 oz. chopped walnuts
3 T olive oil mayo (Yes MAYO..Live a little)
3 T balsamic vinegar
1 tsp. Italian seasoning
1⁄2 tsp. t garlic powder
3⁄4 tsp. kosher salt or to taste
Fresh ground pepper


~In a medium sized frying pan, sauté your brussel sprouts (halved) on medium heat for about 5 minutes. Add in your mushrooms (quartered) and cook for about another 4-5 minutes until mushrooms are cooked through. Add in your cooked shredded chicken and chopped walnuts and toss until hot. Take off the heat.

~In a small bowl, whisk together your mayo, vinegar, and the rest of the seasonings until smooth.

~Pour out over chicken mixture and toss to coat everything. ~Enjoy!

This is very satisfying. If you are vegetarian/vegan just omit the chicken use vegetarian mayo and add more sprouts and mushrooms. You could throw in some crumbled tempeh too.

*I always keep shredded chicken ready. I throw a huge pack in the crock-pot with a little water and then shred after 4 hours on medium high. We keep it in the fridge for recipes, to add to salads and freeze bags so it ready to roll too!

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