Chicken Curry Soup

Uncategorized Jan 26, 2017

Chicken Curry Soup (serves 6)

In a large stock pot Saute over medium heat:

2 teaspoons of coconut oil
1 small yellow onion minced
3 cloves of garlic minced

Saute until Tender and then add:

1 lb of chicken cubed
2 cups of carrots sliced
2 cups of red peppers sliced
8 oz of button mushrooms (if you don't like mushrooms then just increase the amount of carrots and peppers)

Once the chicken is no longer pink Add:

1 14oz CAN of full fat coconut milk
1 cup of chicken stock (I have been buying bone broth for the added nutrients)
2 tablespoons of Thai Red Curry Paste (ethnic isle)

Incorporate all together and then Add:

4 cups (or more) of fresh baby spinach
1 tablespoon of fresh grated ginger (more or less to taste, you can also get fresh ginger in a "tube" in most produce sections)
Juice of one lime

I really LOVE soup this time of year and this was a keeper.  Jeremy isn't a huge Curry fan be he really liked it too!


this serves six so each 363 grams of soup holds:
253 calories, 15g carbs, 29g protein, 8g fat

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