Cauliflower Fried "Rice"

recipes Oct 23, 2015

Cauliflower Fried "Rice"
This is INSANLY good! It definitely hits the Chinese food

craving! The first time I made this I used the full amount of soy sauce and it was a bit much. 1/8 cup was the right level of soyness☺It’s better to start with less and then you can always add more!


4-6 cups cauliflower (about 1 head) 3⁄4 cup chopped onion
2 tablespoons oil
1-2 eggs, lightly beaten

A few drops of sesame oil
A few drops of soy sauce
1⁄2 cup chopped baby carrots
1⁄2 cup frozen peas, thawed
4 green onions, chopped
1/8-1/4 cup light, low-sodium soy sauce




Cut cauliflower into florets, put half of the florets in the food processor, pulse until the cauliflower is about rice or couscous sized, not too small (mincing by hand is ok too). Put processed cauliflower in bowl, and then repeat with the remaining florets.

Next, heat one tbsp. of oil in a wok or large skillet over medium-high heat. When hot, add the chopped onion and stir-fry until light brown, (about 8 minutes). Once brown, put the onions in a bowl and set aside.

In a small bowl, mix together the egg (1 or 2, depending on how “eggy” you like your fried rice) and a few drops of sesame oil & soy sauce. Add a 1⁄2 tbsp. of oil to the wok and then quickly scramble the egg mixture in it. Remove the egg and add to the bowl with the onion. Add remaining tbsp. of oil to the wok and add the cauliflower, peas, carrots, & onions. Stir fry for 3 minutes, then reduce the heat to medium-low, mix in soy sauce, & cover for about 3 more minutes, or until cauliflower is cooked through. Add back in the egg and onion and cook together for one more minute. Season with salt to taste.

Garnish with additional chopped green onion.



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