Burn and Renewal

Uncategorized Apr 18, 2019

The fire in the Notre Dame cathedral is a tragedy on a grand scale. It is one of the most visited tourist attractions in the world. It has seen the rise of mankind through the middle ages into the renaissance. It saw the bloody transition of France from monarchy to a fledgling democracy. It survived both world wars. And today, despite an absolutely massive fire, the two bell towers and much of the stone structure continue to stand. 

The cathedral was started in 1163. It is over 850 years old. It is a cultural icon and has become a deeply cherished part of not just French culture and history, but world history.

Each of us has our own history and tradition that we carry with us. We are each the result of generations of cultivation and care. Much like the cathedral, some generations were better stewards than others. Despite all the trials that have come before, you are here today.

If Notre Dame had been completely lost it would have been a tremendous loss. (The current damage is still devastating.)

The works of mankind are all impermanent, and we got a sharp reminder of that on April 15th, 2019. 

In that same respect, there are pieces within you that represent the times that have come before you. You carry the burdens, joys, trials, and tribulations from those that have come before you.

Some of those things need to be burned. 


  • Do you continuously struggle in your health and wellness?
  • Do you feel like no matter how hard you try you'll just end up sabotaging and ruining all the hard work you put in?
  • How many times have you lost the same weight, over and over again?

What if some of those issues were rooted not in you, but in your heritage?

What if you've inherited a way of thinking or believing that is holding you back from some of the most beautiful things that this life has to offer?

I've been fortunate enough to receive some excellent counseling. At first, most of it centered on my family of origin and the issues that we had as a group. I thought I had a pretty normal childhood, until I heard about what healthy family's do in the same situations I described to my counselor.

I found I had so many preconceived notions about the way the world worked and so many deeply embedded values that didn't jive with the reality that I was living in. 

I had to go back and figure out what was worthy of staying with me, and what I needed to burn out of my life. 

I found that when I took a cleansing fire to some of the ideas that were holding me back I experienced a revival of spirit that continues to propel me forward, over five years later.

When the yuck gets cleaned out, it will leave room for something truly amazing to flourish.

With Notre Dame, I'm sure there will be a rejuvenating effect to follow this fire. The building will never be the same, but maybe it can now be made better. (No more lead roof?) 

How are you going to get better?

Who is your person that can shine a light on the tough spots in your life and mindset that may need to be adjusted?

Are you willing to make a controlled burn to experience a life changing renewal?

I've found that when a person has a persistent issue at staying healthy the problem is almost always to do with mindset and burdens that person is carrying with them, often unknowingly.

Get an expert in your life that can help guide you to a better place. Let them show you how to use the refining fires of change to burn out the worst of you and renew the best of you.

I work with a group right now on identifying the road blocks in their lives and we find ways to clear the way so that they can get on living the life they were meant to live.

Want in?

Send me an email, I'd love to help.

[email protected]

 Andrew is a Personal Trainer and Health Coach based in scenic Canandaigua, NY. He loves living life with his wife Samantha, and daughter Rosabelle. Author of the book Grow Your Mind, Shrink Your Waist, Andrew shares his message of growth and change with his clients, community, and everyone he comes in contact with. Known for his contagious laughter and boundless enthusiasm, Andrew has a heart for service. Let him help you. Get his book, or send him a message: [email protected]

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