Birthday Workout!

exercise videos Feb 09, 2016

We did a different workout this year but this is such a great video full of exercises you can do at home that I thought I would share this again!  

So I'm 35 this year (not 34) and maybe if I have time I'll make a video that describes my 35th Birthday Workout.  Until then as you watch this video.  Keep in mind that all the exercises have different levels to them and there are some people in boot camp who don't do some of these exercises for various reasons.  "exercise" good judgement and if you can't figure one out move on (and call us about training too if you want). 

Happy Jeremy's Birthday to YOU!
Jeremy "tall trainer" Biernat

P.S.  to all 35 who took advantage of my birthday gift yesterday, thank you and good luck.  I hope to hear about what you learned at the end of the week!

P.P.S. here's the video link if clicking on the picture doesn't work

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