All because I got a postcard in the mail!

transformation stories Apr 12, 2016
I recently retired from the hospital this past winter. At this new journey I found the opportunity to take time for myself. In the past always working an early start didn’t leave me the opportunity to workout before work and often times running to cover for my grandchildren, I didn't take the needed time for myself, what little was left in the day.

I have always been a target for the at home programs, they lure me in, I purchase one and 2 weeks later it's collecting dust. My lack of self- confidence never made me a fan of group exercise. So my comfort level was at home. But I mustered up the courage to try my first 'Boot Camp', and the experience has been life changing! ...

As I am right on the heels of turning 60 and everyone saying it's impossible to lose weight when you get older.I knew this was made available to me and all I had to do was show up. I can't put into words the experience I have had, with the program, the people I have met, just the sincere caring of loving people.

There is truly a science of how this all works, but all you have to do is follow the workout Jeremy creates for you. In my first 4 weeks I lost 8 lbs. and 5.5 inches. My second 4 weeks I lost another 7 lbs. and over 5 more inches. To date I am down 30lbs! But my clothes have never fit so nicely.

I'm firmer from head to toe and I have such an inner strength and confidence that has grown from this experience.

My husband says it's his investment in me to continue and he tells me every day how proud he is of me. Four months ago I never would have dreamed this kind of transformation could ever be possible for someone my age. I am living my dream! I deal with a lot of age related ailments but this program helps ease a lot of discomfort you may have and I am pain free. No more slow crawl out of bed.... I jump out, can't wait to get to class. I feel so blessed that I found you, and all your staff. All because I got a postcard in the mail!❤

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