7 Ways To Make Pounds “FALL” Off!

7 Ways To Make Pounds “FALL” Off!

These are large categories of techniques to make pounds fall off. A change in one of these areas can start weight loss. If you use them all I can’t imagine weight loss not being guaranteed. We work on all these methods in our programs.

Environment Manipulation

This is as complicated as changing who you hang out with to as simple as putting your candy dish on the other side of the room. The king of this Category is Brian Wansink, PhD and food researcher at Cornell. We have recommended his books on our website www.talltrainer.com. The basic premise is to make good things easier and more appealing to do and bad things harder and less appealing. Veggies and fruit on the counter top and ice cream in the basement freezer are a couple more quick ideas.

Eliminate Foods

Most “diets” are based on this idea. You stop eating _______, whatever the blank is. People cut, carbs, sugar, fat, processed foods, fast food, Dairy, etc. By eliminating a food there is often a decrease in overall calories. This technique is often used poorly and causes people to BOUNCE back to their heavy weight after the “diet” period. This can also cause cravings. But there is a time and place for this method as well. Food allergies and sensitivities are a great example of a time to use this method.

Track Food

This is the food journal; keep track of your food and how much you have throughout the day. You can lose weight without it, so you’ll hear from some over opinionated “experts” (sometimes self-appointed) who try to tell people they are wrong for keeping track of food. I believe you can lose weight without it but I also see a lot of learning take place when someone decides to measure it and learn how many calories and nutrients it has. There has to be some truth to the timeless saying, “what gets measured gets managed.”

Increase Exercise

The best example of this technique is runners. Often they began running because of this concept. If I exercise more I can burn more calories and therefore lose weight. Some use this increase in exercise to allow them to maintain weight and get to eat more. I think both can be fine. One mile is often calculated to be about 100 calories burned. When using this concept, just remember not to over reward yourself with food. It’s pretty easy to out eat your workout.☺

Decrease Inactivity

More studies are coming out about the dangers of
sitting. Some even compare it to smoking and in some statistics it comes out worse. Sitting compared to standing is a 1 calorie per minute difference. Doesn’t sound like much but if you were to trade 4 hours of sitting for even 4 hours of standing you would burn an additional 240 Calories that day! So get an adjustable workstation at work. Go for a walk or do some chores after dinner instead of watching
TV. Daily activity can be a HUGE calorie burn for us.

Increase Nutrient Density

This one is cool. Basically by eating foods that have great vitamins and minerals in them you satisfy cravings and fill your stomach on low calories. The best foods are vegetables (leaves are top). The more nutrition per calorie you have in your diet, the more weight you are likely to lose. You will be healthier, lower risks of getting sick and even decrease risk of cancer! Not a bad deal! The best resource on this is Dr. Joel Fuhrman, he has several books on the recommendations page on our website.

Manage Internal Climate

For all these 7 methods to work there is a lot of cross over and changes to one area that can effect changes in
another. This is the biggest crossover category. I believe (and I’ve seen this working with 1,000’s of people) that you can be doing great work in the other 6 areas and still be struggling if this area is out of whack. The mind body connection is VERY strong. Learning to manage stress, emotional eating, anger, and other less tangible realities is critical to long term success. We have all seen the weight loss stories about someone who lost over 100 pounds just to gain it back again. Some of these related to very public TV shows. They got the other 6 categories covered for a while and lose weight like a maniac but the fact they hadn’t dealt with their internal climate caused them to re-create their weight gain.

There are entire careers dedicated to each one of these methods. If you want to know more about a particular area, please feel free to contact us. We can tell you more depth on what we know in the area and if you need even more than that, we can direct you to even more information.

Which area do you think would give you the biggest impact if you worked on it? Can you identify times when you used one of these methods to lose weight?


By: Jeremy “tall trainer” Biernat

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