5 Diet Foods You Should Avoid!

weight loss Jan 10, 2014

5 Diet Foods You Should Avoid! 

These are foods people usually start eating when they go on a diet and they think they are doing themselves some good.  They also feel like they are making a sacrifice when they might be doing more harm than their regular diet.  


At 830 Calories per cup, Almonds are one of the most high calorie foods you can eat.  A handful can stop weight loss in it's tracks!  There are healthy vitamins and minerals in Almonds but not enough to counter the calorie cost.  If you eat almonds, be VERY careful and keep track of how many you eat.


It's usually loaded with sugar.   Why do you think you like it so much?  If you HAVE to do yogurt,  I recommend plain greek yogurt (do not get low fat!  see below).  You can add fresh fruit to it and control the sugar levels.  I need to mention that some people have a sensitivity to dairy and that means yogurt can cause weight gain and inflammation!  Use sparingly,  until you know where you fall.

  "Low Fat" foods 

Avoid low fat foods.  Especially foods that normally contain fat.  Usually this label means "filled with sugar or other chemicals that will actually make you fatter than the standard version."  When they study people, they find that people eating lower fat or lower calorie versions, eat more of it to the point that they actually end up with more calories and more fat on their bodies.

Restaurant Salads

These can have more Calories than a Burger!  Be very careful.  The word salad does not mean lower calorie.  Some of these salads have 1500 Calories in them!  Until you know more about food from keeping a journal,  you need to get all cheese, dressing, meat, croutons, dried fruit, or nuts served on the side.  THEN, only add what you NEED to be able to get the salad down.

Protein (candy) Bars

These are used by millions of unaware dieters.  Many of these Protein bars have over 200 calories in them.  These are not calorie free!  People have a tendency to eat them like they are calorie free.  Some are no better than a candy bar.  Try to eat real foods as much as possible.  On the run, a protein bar can work.  (there are other things that work too)  Just make sure you count those calories and don't get in the habit of eating too many.

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