This IS healthcare

This is from Christine! We just adore her!

Here is a glimpse of her journey, maybe you can relate?


From Christine:

I have been on both sides of the alley at Tall Trainer. 


When I started as a client in 2013, I  came to class every day, and used the on-line nutrition program. I reached the goals I had set for myself and had never been quite so healthy and fit! The short story is, I became  a trainer and worked at Tall Trainer for a few years.  It was a wonderful experience,  and I learned a LOT! 


Life changes and I decided to step back as a Trainer and focus my energy on family matters. I continued to exercise at home, when I could fit it in, but everything and everyone seemed to take priority over that hour I thought I'd give myself.


So, two years of that and the weight came back, 30 pounds of it to be exact! I was tired, unhappy with how I felt and looked, and angry with myself for allowing the weight to come back! 


I decided to do what I could, right then, to make a change.  I knew exactly what to do, but change isn't  easy! I started using vitabot last August, weighing myself every morning when I got up and recording my weight.  The weight started to come off, and THAT was the motivation to keep going! 


Jumping ahead, I had lost about 20 pounds when I got an email that Saturday classes were backI didn't know if I could physically make it through  an entire boot camp class because it had been a while!  I really missed the way I used to feel and the strength I used to have. So, I signed up! I was so afraid that I wouldn't know anyone and I would be so out of shape that I'd have to stop half way through! Much to my surprise, I knew most of the class, and the ones that I didn't  were friends by the end of the hour! The class was challenging but I survived and signed up for more!


I also realized that I needed more than one day a week of feeling that way, so I joined the 7am boot camp class. Vitabot changes the number on the scale AND boot camp  has changed my strength.  I have also learned that boot camp is as much for my mind as it is for my body. Being surrounded by like-minded people that are all focusing on healthy lifestyle is priceless. 


Just as iron sharpens iron, we push each other to be better. I am so happy that I went back! I am within 5 pounds  of my goal and I feel stronger and so much more energetic.  My whole mindset has shifted which trickles through the other areas of my lifeTo me, this is Healthcare, and every day that I am able to participate is a true gift!


Things I've learned in bootcamp!

  1. Vitabot(food logging) isn't some strange app made to frustrate you. The more you use it, the easier it becomes.  It is the best tool to advance your progress, and helps your trainer to help you. You can't get to where you want to be if you don't know where you are now, so track it!

  2. The scale isn't your enemy, no matter what the number is. The scale is used as another tool to help you achieve your goals. There is absolutely no judgement when the scale goes up. Your trainer can't help you if they don't know what's going on. I used to avoid the scale like crazy, but it's only counterproductive to my success.

  3. Attendance…being there and showing up is a win-win. When you are present, your hard work benefits you and those around you. For me,  my workout puts my mind in a healthy state and when I am happier, that spills out to others in my circle. 

  4. Making time for yourself is not selfish.  If you pour everything into others and nothing into yourself,  you will soon become empty. It is vital to make your health one of the priorities in your daily routine.

  5. Don't ever be afraid or embarrassed to start again. The only way you can fail is if you quit trying. 

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