4 Ingredient Watermelon Salad

recipes Jul 22, 2016

This is a super quick, easy and refreshing salad perfect for summer.
I don’t know about you all, but picnics can be DANGEROUS grounds for consuming a few too many calories.  I like to bring something safe as a dish to pass and this is a GREAT option.  PLUS it only takes a few minutes to put together, who wants to spend time in the kitchen when it is gorgeous outside?!?!
This recipe serves 4 but you could easily double or triple it.
4 cups cubed watermelon
6 Fresh mint leaves chopped
1-2 Limes juiced depending on how “zingy” you like it
1/3 cup crumbled goat cheese
Place in a bowl, stir a few times and DING you have a super refreshing summer salad!
Hope you all enjoy this as much as I do!!

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