Some of my favorite Aldi's finds

recipes May 16, 2020
I LOVE Aldi's.  I have used Aldi's before it was cool to use Aldi's- back when it smelled a funky in there.  But  Aldi's has come a LONG way since I was a little girl.  
I thought I would put together a list of my favorite Aldi's staples.  Maybe it will spark some ideas for you all!
Please do not hoard shop because I will cry if I can't get these anymore :P
If you are reading this on a phone, turn it to landscape view and it will show up nicer :)

* I also love Wegman's and support them a bunch too! *
These salads are SO good!  I eat these for lunch ALL the time.  They come in 4-5 different combinations so I haven't gotten sick of them yet.  You only need to use half of the dressing and then I throw on some chicken or beans to add a protein.  Some days I eat the whole salad throughout the afternoon or it also saves well for the next day!
I have eaten oatmeal almost every morning since I was 22 years old.  What I put on top changes from time to time (usually a fruit and peanut butter or nut combo)
Steel Cut Oats cooked in the instant pot is HANDS DOWN my favorite.  I cook up 4 -8 servings at a time. They save great and are ready for a quick breakfast.
For 4 servings:
1 cup steel cut, 1 cup unsweetened almond milk, 3 cups water, sprinkle of cinnamon. Seal and pressure cook for 5 minutes then slow release.   
They turn out so creamy and I LOVE IT!
YUMMM! They also come in 4 flavors and I love them all.  Each link is around 140 calories and 14-15 grams of Protein. 
I love to add 1-2 links on top of riced cauliflower.  But you can add on top of a salad or just eat plan.  They have great flavor!
I like to have some lunch meat on hand
 to just eat as is or make a quick wrap. 
 These are nitrate free :)
I am a fan of whole fat dairy.  This sticks with me much longer than the fat free versions.  Dairy can be a little tricky with my gut but the full fat seems to digest better with me.  We use this in the place of sour cream and I don't even notice a difference.  I also like to mix in some berries, slivered almonds and a few mini chocolate chips for a snack.  This stuff is high protein as well!
I love the vanilla unsweetened almond milk.  
We use this in our smoothies and oatmeal.  I get the regular as well and I haven't had a recipe turn out bad where I have swapped this out for regular milk. 
I am not vegan or vegetarian but I do love the food and work hard to have a good chunk of my food coming from plants.  These veggie burgers are SOO good.  I like the tia and asian versions best.  I cook up one or two of these and put on top of a big salad, riced cauliflower.  I then drizzle with a few peanuts for crunch or a peanut sauce and it is YUMMY!
These are also good in a wrap :)
I have mentioned this stuff a bit.  I eat several of these a week.  Add instead of rice or each just as.  Look up recipes.  There are endless ways to eat this stuff.  I am so happy this was way of eating cauliflower was found.  
Jeremy and I really try to eat a least a pound of veggies a day-usually 2 for me and probably 3-4 for him-he's a big dude.  We each will eat a whole bag of this with our dinner often instead of a salad.  Especially in the winter when I don't feel like chomping on something cold.  I like Aldi's version of frozen broccoli.  This is all florets!
I use this for my oil when stir frying or sauteing.
Melt this to drizzle over butternut squash or sweet potatoes when roasting in the oven and it adds an added layer of YUM.
I also use this replacing butter or oil in recipes and they have turned out great.
(maybe some wouldn't but I haven't had a total flop yet)
La Croix:
This is my afternoon pick me up.  
I tend to want to munch munch around 3pm everyday. 
 I have one of these and it is a real treat to me.  
I love "zingy" water as Anna calls it.
These are such a go to snack for me.  I usually have one or two of these as a  between meals.  I feel like my blood sugar stays more stable with the added boost of protein.  They are easy to grab and go and have a LOT less ingredients than protein bars.  
Sometimes I want a sweet crunch.  Ok, well ALL the time I do. 
These can satisfy that and are made with only 7 ingredients!
 These are super good.  But be careful I may have eaten a whole bag in one sitting a few times.  
 I fill them with hummus and a ton of veggies or throw in a veggie burger or lunch meat to make a quick lunch.
I always have a stash of these on hand to put in smoothies or plan greek yogurt.  
This is the go to salad dressing in the Biernat house.  It has a nice balance of fat to calories that will help a salad keep you full.  
Add to fresh salads and soups!  Always have these on hand for when I don't know what to make for dinner and just start throwing stuff in a pot :)
There are many more things we purchase on a regular basis but this was getting a long and these are my tops:)

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