365 Days

Uncategorized Sep 27, 2019
For those of you that don't know me,  I am the client intake coordinator here at Tall Trainer. My friend came up with that fancy name but when you break it down,  it means I answer the phone and emails :) 

I can't believe it has been a whole year since I started this "job". I use the word "job" very loosely because it truly does not feel like a job! When I was talking about this opportunity with my husband before I started last summer, he said this job was made for me!

Me+talking= hip hip hooray!

I have been able to talk to so many of you and have counted each and every minute as a blessing. I have learned that each of your stories is powerful in its own way. What you've lived through, what you continue to battle and those you care for make you warriors! When I talk about you guys, I always say that Tall Trainer attracts the most beautiful people! We are a melting pot of the most generous and caring individuals! You guys are a blast to talk to and I love being a small part of your lives and journey towards wellness! You graciously look past my faults too when I drop the ball occasionally!

Thank you for an entire wonderful year full of amazing conversations and trusting me to be a small part of your story! Here's to many more :)
**Note from Sarah***
Stacie is a HUGE blessing to us at Tall Trainer.  She helps us serve more and find balance with our time.  
She is also my partner in crime :P   Speaking of balance- you can eat a doughnut in a Tall Trainer shirt and still reach your goals !!
If you haven't talked to Stacie yet,  you're missing out!  She gets it and is one of the warmest, kindest people I know!
Go ahead..call her and find out for yourself...1-800-380-7047

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