Chocolate Hummus

recipes Dec 07, 2016

 Chocolate Hummus!

A few months ago I spotted chocolate hummus in the grocery store!  I literally squealed out loud!  I was taken back by the price but I HAD TO TRY IT!  When I got home I was disappointed.   It was just MEH.  I forced myself to eat it because I had paid for it.

Recently, Lynn gave me a recipe for chocolate hummus and I thought I would give it another go.  I have tweaked it to fit my taste buds and to be a little more balanced nutritionally.  I have got to say, it does taste a little like chocolate frosting and I DO like this one WAY more than the store bought one.  Plus, it only takes about 5 minutes total to make it!

I can garbanzo beans (drained and rinsed well)
4 Tbsp. cocoa powder
1-2 Tbsp. Maple Syrup ( I settled at 1.5 for my taste)
1 tsp. Vanilla extract
2 Tbsp. Almond butter
3-4 Tbsp. Water (depending on the thickness you prefer)

Throw all in your blender or food processor and ENJOY! 

I love this with apples, bananas and strawberries.  This would also make a healthy "dish to pass" to the holiday parties we get bombarded with high calories sweet treats.  It tastes best at room temperature to me. 

This is also Anna approved. So those parents looking for a healthy snack for the kiddos, give this a try!

1 oz (28 grams) comes in at 29 calories :)

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