17 Benefits! The obvious and the one's I didn't conceive!

transformation stories Sep 17, 2015

Angela Testimonial

Benefits of me being committed to my health and going to Tall Trainer:

 The obvious:

  1. I feel better physically
  2. I feel better mentally
  3. I feel better spiritually
  4. I have lost weight
  5. I have reduced inches
  6. I have less body fat
  7. I am on only a minuscule amount of blood pressure medicine (father died of a massive stroke at age 56) - down from 2 daily blood pressure medicines and a diarrheic.
  8. I am stronger.
  9. I have more confidence.
  10. My knees do not torture me.

 Now for the benefits I am reaping but didn't conceive of when I joined Tall Trainer:

  1. The volume of my lungs has increased dramatically. I have many allergies and have weak lungs. My peak flow meter (measures the volume of an exhale) has been in the range of 335-350 for the past 30 years. After one year at Tall Trainer, my peak flow meter now reads 480! Unbelievable!
  2. From the increase in vitamins, minerals, nutrients, and protein in my food intake, my hair now has a natural curl!!! My hair, all of my life has always been extremely straight, no texture, and thin. They say the "grass is always greener on the other side". Well, I am now living "on the other side" and loving it!
  3. My significant other is extremely pleased with the results of Tall Trainer in terms of my health, appearance, and my self-confidence. He tells me almost daily, "Never stop going to this gym!"
  4. My dentist is pleased with my teeth and tells me they are clean and healthy because of the healthy, raw fruits and vegetables I eat daily. He sees a marked difference in the health of my teeth and gums.
  5. I now have strong nails!!!! I always felt bad about the appearance of my hands and nails being in a high profile job. My nails are now long, strong, and beautiful. I no longer have a need to "have my nails done"!
  6. My sinuses are always clear as the act of working out and sweating (profusely)!
  7. My endurance at any physical task has increased and in some cases, has made it possible to even attempt!


 I am certain I am leaving some other benefits out.... all in all.... Thank you Tall Trainer! I know the incentive has to come from me, but thank you for what you have been able to highlight, further develop, teach me! Angela, the person that defies "dry weave"!

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