#1 strategy to eliminate a craving, works 100%

weight loss Jun 18, 2013

#1 Way to Eliminate a Craving

Everyone has them from time to time.  Why is it that some people do better with them than others?  If there was a way to effectively deal with them every time wouldn’t that be great?

Well here is!  The best way to deal with a craving is to eat what it is you are craving. 


Eat the naughty food that I’m craving?  Yep!  It sounds like a recipe for weight gain and it could be of course let me explain to you how you can do this and begin to lose weight. 
What people normally do when they have a craving.
The first step is to fight it.  Usually this involves eating something healthy or trying not to eat at all.  Usually this still leaves hunger, so you might eat another something to try to “fix” it.  Then that doesn’t take so you wait awhile drink some water wait awhile more and then still hungry you eat again.  If you get frustrated enough by evening you’ve given up and are just going to eat it now.  You are worn out at this point and realize you have taken in too many calories already so you might as well finish it off. 
If you do manage to get to bed you might be able to defer the physiological need for something but you are now psychologically wrapped up in this now “forbidden food.”  Now much of the next day may be spent thinking about it instead of thinking about the other things of life or healthy behaviors. 
This obsession needs to be taken care of or else you either will freak out and eat a TON or you will develop the food obsession tendencies of an anorexic (you might become one). 
Usually when people do finally give in to food cravings they are left with a lot of guilt and shame.  Their confidence in themselves drops.  Their belief that they can do it is diminished.  They are worse off in almost every way.  
Why would you tell someone to eat the craving food if it has that result?
There is a way to eat it without those feelings and issues coming up.  It certainly takes some work.  If you do something about it before it becomes an obsession then your mind doesn’t spend as much time being occupied on it.  You eat it and it’s done.  It becomes less of an emotionally charged moment.  The next time you won’t get as worked up and your food will become less of an emotional decision and you will have a chance to apply some logic to it at times. 
When you have a craving it often means you didn’t get something right earlier in the day. 
A couple of the big reasons cravings happen is skipped breakfast, going long periods without eating (>3-4 hours), eating high sugar food (even fruit) without fat or protein.  When you do one of these things your blood sugar drops and you get CRAZY hungry.  Once you are crazy hungry it is near impossible to satisfy it.  Even me “the tall trainer” if I make one of these mistakes it makes for a tough day.  I often don’t have cravings because I work to manage it well. 
The key is what you do after you eat it.
Ok, so we’ve decided that we missed something earlier in the day and now we have a craving.  We eat the food and the craving is decreased.  (usually this is a high carb and high sugar food).  What you so after that is the key to stopping this from becoming an eat whatever you want obesity plan. 
You need to do 3 things:
1.     Most important – Forgive yourself.  You are not perfect, none of us are.  It’s ok not to be you are ok and you can still make your goal in your imperfection.  If you don’t forgive yourself then this becomes a much bigger issue. 
2.     Eat some protein - and maybe fat if your treat didn’t have anything but sugar.  This will help to prevent the next craving so you don’t go the whole day jumping from craving to craving. 
3.     Think and Plan – Think what things did I do or not do that made me more likely to have this craving today.  Plan how you can do it better next time.  Remember next time you don’t have to be perfect and that discipline, self-control, and will power are built one tiny step at a time.  Just become a tiny bit better for next time. 



5 strategies to stop cravings before they start  >>(watch video)












































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