Jeremy Biernat

 Trainer and Founder
My Fitness Story:
I was a poor athlete in high school but did manage to learn that hard work can help you improve.  I got to win sectionals twice and get 4th place at the state meet in pole vaulting.  In college I broke my ankle, injured my knee, tweaked my shoulder, and the big one was rupture a disc in my lower back.  I could not pick up a pen off the floor at 22 years old.  After 6 months of rest (Dr's orders) I was still in the same pain but now also weak and depressed.  I decided if I was going to be in pain I wanted to be the strongest and healthiest "in pain" I could be.  It took years of unlearning things I had learned from following others in the gym. 
As I got stronger and more flexible the pain started going away!  That became a big motivation for helping others.  I know what it's like to be out of shape and not very proud of yourself.  I also grew up with a mom who struggled with her weight and I saw I could help.  I got to work at an amazing hospital based fitness center in Abilene, TX where I learned how to be a personal trainer.  I decided to move back home to be near family and to spread what I had learned. (2006)
I have learned even more since then from my wife (Sarah Biernat), all my clients, our great team of trainers, and my daughters Anna and Hope, as well as staying on top of research and industry trends.  I really hope that we get a chance to help you!  If you are getting back into exercise after a long break or have never really done this exercise thing we are the safest place you can start.  If you want to know more, we can sit down to a nice tall glass of water and talk!  :o)
Outside of Tall Trainer:
I'm a husband to an amazing woman, Girl Dad to two stinkin' cute girls, Dog owner to one of the greatest dogs of all time (Stella), and I am striving to live in God's grace and love.  My home church is life spring community church and you are welcome to come hangout anytime!  I love the outdoors and my soul is lifted every time I spend time out there.  Hiking, biking, running (only sometimes), kayaking, making play areas in our yard, seeing new things are some of my favorites.  My hobbies are sometimes business related.  I love to make videos and I do when I have time.  I get to make powerpoint art for lessons and ads.  Besides exercise, nutrition, and health I hope to be able to help people have great relationships and finances as well.  I sometimes still pole vault, cut down trees in my yard, and cry in movies.  I hope to hear more about you!
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