Every person is inherently beautiful...it just takes some self care to bring it out...
Everyone ought to feel good in their bodies...
And it's wrong that more people are sick than we can afford to support...
Meant to be read in small pieces, this book has 31 lessons from dozens of sources and experiences some of them being us...the broken backed trainer and anorexic/binge eater you see pictured on the cover.
With helpful topics like the Pizza Diet, Dealing with stress, 3 parts of habit creation, Deep insight on Breaking the Yo-Yo cycle. This is all practical application type information. Each chapter will give you ideas for things you can actually do.
You don't have to be a vegan
You don't have to exercise daily
You don't have to obsess
It is frustrating for us to see people running in the wrong directions, straining harder then necessary, and giving up daily when we have a more realistic and practical way that we have used to help hundreds of people in our local area.
Buy the Book on AmazonBy buying this book you are not only guaranteed to learn more about fitness in a few chapters than you may have your entire life but also...
...You'll be helping us support our favorite cause. Helping women mentally and emotionally escape from Sex Trafficking. The majority of the proceeds go to The Potters Hands Foundation that is working to restore these girls/women.
Thank you so much!
Jeremy and Sarah Biernat (and Anna too :o)
50% Complete
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